Support Links  

Below are the limited number of brands that I partner with to offer a discount to my community. All brands are products I use myself. Keep in mind that purchases made through these links generate a small commission for the company. This goes toward supporting my commitment to offering free and low cost community mental health related events. Unless there is a code provided, the link will automatically apply the discount at checkout!

These are a few of my favorite things.


For Content Creators & Small Businesses

Below are a few of the tools and systems that I use to help me run my small business. For context, I own a group practice which averages 5 employees, semi- regularly send e-mails to my community, and regularly post on multiple social media platforms. The below systems have been crucial in helping me simplify my work as small business owner and therapist with a platform on various social media outlets. Quick Disclosure: While I do use each of the products below to run my business, I do receive a commission when you sign up for the product!

Thank you for your support!

Lia (@alyssamariewellness)

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